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Revs David & Glendae Hauser
Healing Rooms & Deep Inner Healing Session
1st & 3rd Thursday's
6 pm - 7:30 pm
Walk-In - No Appointment Needed
If you are showing symptoms of Covid 19 or have a fever
please do not come to the facility, call the number
below for prayer.
You can also call us for prayer, please send us
your phone number and we will return your call.
Directors Glendae & David Hauser
Glendae: 626-388-0376 (txt or email)
David: 626-215-8775 (txt or email)
Leave voicemail if phone is busy!
We have been seeing unusual miracles!
No Appointment Needed.
Our Mission
To serve the local community and the body of Christ while contending for all that Christ promised the church would move in.
We minister:
With love towards everyone
Our prayer is "on earth as it is in heaven"
A salvation message
The anointing that empowers the Word
Prayer and deliverance of the sick
An impartation of healing to all
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