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Our Relationship To
God and Others

Our desire is to be a servant both to our city and the churches, which are represented here. We believe as the Scripture teaches that there is a strength in unity and by humble submission to the Lord.  God can bring this about. Christ showed us the way when He girded Himself with a towel and washed His disciples feet.  It would bring great joy to us to have represntation from as many churches as possible as we labor in God's field.  The Healing Rooms don't represent any one Church but we would respectfully ask the leaders prespresented in the Body of Christ here to hold us up in prayer and Godly counsel.  Those who work with us are in submission to our leadership and board.  
We don't accept tithes, which we believe, belong to the local church; however freewill offerings will be accepted.  Our desire is that in co-laboring with Christ and with the churches that we will strengthen local bodies by assisting them in any way they feel we can support them. 
Nehemiah 2:17-18, Nehemiah 4:7-23,
Isaiah 65:8, Ezekiel 22:30
Micah 6:8, Eccl. 4:9, Matthew 12:25


To Receive Prayer
For Healing

Our ministry is not to draw attention to ourselves but to always point people to Jesus. Christ's atonement provides both redemption and healing.  His ministry was one healing touch, one miracle, one move to love and compassion after another, and another, and another.  
Healing is one of the benefits of the salvation package, a benefit that has been neglected over the years, but is now manifesting in the lives of those that believe that christ is the Healer, and that He is able and willing to do a might work in their lives. 
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